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Helping a Family Member Who Has an OSI

When someone has an operational stress injury (OSI) like PTSD, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse, it can change family life. The person may act differently and get angry easily. He or she may not want to do things you used to enjoy together.

You may feel scared and frustrated about the changes you see in your loved one. You also may feel angry about what’s happening to your family, or wonder if things will ever go back to the way they were. These feelings and worries are common in people who have a family member with an OSI.

It is important to learn about OSIs so you can understand why it happened, how it is treated, and what you can do to help. But you also need to take care of yourself. Changes in family life are stressful, and taking care of yourself will make it easier to cope.

If you or a family member needs help now, call the 24-hour, toll-free Veterans Affairs Crisis Help Line: 1-800-268-7708 (TDD 1-800-567-5803)

How Can I Help?

You may feel helpless, but there are many things you can do. Nobody expects you to have all the answers.

Here are ways you can help:

  • Learn as much as you can about OSIs like PTSD, anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Knowing how these affect people may help you understand what your family member is going through. The more you know, the better you and your family can handle it.
  • Offer to go to doctor visits with your family member. You can help keep track of medicine and therapy, and you can be there for support.
  • Tell your loved one you want to listen and that you also understand if he or she doesn’t feel like talking.
  • Plan family activities together, like having dinner or going to a movie.
  • Take a walk, go for a bike ride, or do some other physical activity together. Exercise is important for health and helps clear your mind.
  • Encourage contact with family and close friends. A support system will help your family member get through difficult changes and stressful times.

Your family member may not want your help. If this happens, keep in mind that withdrawal can be a symptom of PTSD or other OSIs. A person who withdraws may not feel like talking, taking part in group activities, or being around other people. Give your loved one space, but tell him or her that you will always be ready to help.

How Can I Deal With Anger or Violent Behaviour?

Your family member may feel angry about many things. Anger is a normal reaction to trauma, but it can hurt relationships and make it hard to think clearly. Anger also can be frightening.

If anger leads to violent behavior or abuse, it’s dangerous. Go to a safe place and call for help right away. Make sure children are in a safe place as well.

It’s hard to talk to someone who is angry. One thing you can do is set up a time-out system. This helps you find a way to talk even while angry. Here’s one way to do this.

  • Agree that either of you can call a time-out at any time.
  • Agree that when someone calls a time-out, the discussion must stop right then.
  • Decide on a signal you will use to call a time-out. The signal can be a word that you say or a hand signal.
  • Agree to tell each other where you will be and what you will be doing during the time-out. Tell each other what time you will come back.

While you are taking a time-out, don’t focus on how angry you feel. Instead, think calmly about how you will talk things over and solve the problem.

After you come back

  • Take turns talking about solutions to the problem. Listen without interrupting.
  • Use statements starting with “I,” such as “I think” or “I feel.” Using “you” statements can sound accusing.
  • Be open to each other’s ideas. Don’t criticize each other.
  • Focus on things you both think will work. It’s likely you will both have good ideas.
  • Together, agree which solutions you will use.

How Can I Communicate Better?

You and your family may have trouble talking about feelings, worries, and everyday problems. Here are some ways to communicate better:

  • Be clear and to the point.
  • Be positive. Blame and negative talk won’t help the situation.
  • Be a good listener. Don’t argue or interrupt. Repeat what you hear to make sure you understand, and ask questions if you need to know more.
  • Put your feelings into words. Your loved one may not know you are sad or frustrated unless you are clear about your feelings.
  • Help your family member put feelings into words. Ask, “Are you feeling angry? Sad? Worried?”
  • Ask how you can help.
  • Don’t give advice unless you are asked.

Explore the services and benefits that may be available to you and your family through the network of OSI Clinics across Canada, learn about the different types of operational stress injuries (including post traumatic stress disorder), and discover useful tips to help you get well and stay healthy.  This includes Operational Stress Injury Social Support .

If you are looking for specific support for deployments or redeployments, please contact the Support for families.

If your family is having a lot of trouble talking things over, consider trying family therapy. Family therapy is a type of counseling that involves your whole family. A therapist helps you and your family communicate, maintain good relationships, and cope with tough emotions.

During therapy, each person can talk about how a problem is affecting the family. Family therapy can help family members understand and cope with an OSI.

How Can I Take Care of Myself?

Helping a person with an OSI can be hard on you. You may have your own feelings of fear and anger about the trauma. You may feel guilty because you wish your family member would just forget his or her problems and get on with life. You may feel confused or frustrated because your loved one has changed, and you may worry that your family life will never get back to normal.

All of this can drain you. It can affect your health and make it hard for you to help your loved one. If you’re not careful, you may get sick yourself, become depressed, or burn out and stop helping your loved one.

To help yourself, you need to take care of yourself and have other people help you.

Care for yourself

  • Don’t feel guilty or feel that you have to know it all. Remind yourself that nobody has all the answers. It’s normal to feel helpless at times.
  • Don’t feel bad if things change slowly. You cannot change anyone. People have to change themselves.
  • Take care of your physical and mental health. If you feel yourself getting sick or often feel sad and hopeless, see your doctor.
  • Don’t give up your outside life. Make time for activities and hobbies you enjoy. Continue to see your friends.
  • Take time to be by yourself. Find a quiet place to gather your thoughts and “recharge.”
  • Get regular exercise, even just a few minutes a day. Exercise is a healthy way to deal with stress.
  • Eat healthy foods. When you are busy, it may seem easier to eat fast food than to prepare healthy meals. But healthy foods will give you more energy to carry you through the day.
  • Remember the good things. It’s easy to get weighed down by worry and stress. But don’t forget to see and celebrate the good things that happen to you and your family.

Get Help

During difficult times, it is important to have people in your life who you can depend on. These people are your support network. They can help you with everyday jobs, like taking a child to school, or by giving you love and understanding.

You may get support from:

  • Family members.
  • Friends, coworkers, and neighbors.
  • Members of your religious or spiritual group.
  • Doctors and other health professionals.

The OSI Clinic Network provides mental health services to the families of OSI Clients. Family members include spouses, partners, children or significant others; whomever the client identifies as his or her family. The mental health of clients and their families are interlinked.  Assessing and treating a client’s family can be the first step in treating a client with an  operational stress injury. Services offered to families include:

Assessment:  Identifies issues and opportunities for clients to explore and engage in therapy.  It’s the first step in leading to appropriate and effective treatment and to help stabilize the family and to avoid family breakdown.

Treatment: Includes services that may help prevent a crisis such as individual, couple, family and child-focused therapy and supportive counselling.

Outreach:  Involves improving family awareness and access to its services.  Early identification of families in need and sharing appropriate services will help reach families before they reach crisis.


Regular and Reserve Members of Canadian Forces: Speak with your Medical Officer or Social Worker on the Base to discuss your concern.

Current members of the RCMP: Speak with your Divisional Health Services Officer.

Retired Canadian Forces or retired RCMP: Speak with Veterans Affairs Canada National Client Contact Centre at: English: 1.866.522.2122 French: 1.866.522.2022

The Operational Stress Injury Social Support (OSISS) Program provides confidential peer support and social support to CF members, Veterans, and their families, affected by an operational stress injury such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD resulting from military service. The OSISS Program also provides peer support to families affected by an operational stress injury by listening, providing information, engaging in discussion groups, and making connections to VAC, DND and to community resources. If you are a CF member, Veteran, or family member, affected by an operational stress injury visit the OSSIS website at To talk to a Peer Support Coordinator, call the Operational Stress Injury Social Support (OSISS) Program at 1-800-883-6094.

Military Family Services: The Mind's the Matter

Director Military Family Services and the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group are proud to introduce “The Mind’s the Matter” – a web-based, interactive video for youth who may be living with a family member who has an Operational Stress Injury (OSI). This initiative is a first-of-its-kind tool for Canadian Forces families. It provides real life solutions for teens coping with a difficult situation. The Military Family Services Program (MFSP) supports CF families in their care-giving role, and provides opportunities for the healthy development of children and youth. We urge you to explore it.

The “Talk, Listen, Connect” initiative by the Sesame Family Workshop, based in the United States, is an outreach program with significant resources for children and families experiencing the effects of deployments, multiple deployments or when a parent returns home due to a combat related injury. Talk, Listen, Connect.